Restaurant \

El Rincón del Mercado

Valencia / 2019

The title defines it and the project had to make it felt. In front of the Central Market of Valencia and next to the Lonja, the Hotel Myr Plaza del Mercado is located with a restaurant that, since it was renovated by us, is always full: Objective achieved by having achieved that the environment transmits the freshness of the product, the traditional tavern, the market stall, the craftsmanship in the production with a link provided by the design.

To do this, we tiled the sea green walls and the floor with bricks from Central stalls and joined them with bands white and black that made clear the chic vocation and cosmopolitan atmosphere. And to feel comfortable, the antique pieces mixed with those from the basket shops in the area did the rest.

Cover of the El Rincón del Mercado project